★ Do you long to dive deep in your body&connections?
★ Do you want to do magic with your s’xual energy?
★ Do you like to experience amazing rituals?
★ Do you want to learn ancient practices that help you awaken
your lifeforce and use it for your healing?
★ Are you longing to connect your s’x, heart and soul?
★ Do you wish a safe container to be vulnerable and authentic?
★ Do you want to increase the sensitivity in your (energetic) body and s’xual organs?
Join this amazing adventure!
A magical Journey of Love
Its a three weekends journey. Its also possible to book only one weekend, but I strongly recommend to do the three of them.
In these three weekends we will dive deep in three different aspects of s’xual awakening. Tao, Tantra and Priestess work.
These three have a slightly different approach but following the three will definately completement and help each other deepening and stenghtening your journey.

WEEKEND 1 (SAT 21&SUN22TH SEPT) 11-17h
During this weekend you will learn to increase the sensitivity in your (energetic) body. The focus of this weekend is learning and mastering your (s’xual) energy in a contained and grounded way.
We will learn ancient techniques and a bit of theory to understand more about our chi (energy) flow in our body.
Important in these practices is working with the ‘hara’, an important energy centre in your belly.
Practices we will do
★ Circulating chi through our body
★ Ovary and womb breath
★ Belly and Breast massage
★ Inner smile practices
★ Working with earth and heaven energy in our body
Magic does exist
Book your ticket now!WEEKEND 2 (SAT 19&SUN 20 OCT) 11-17h
During this weekend we will learn how to connect with ourselves, finding awareness in that what is alive inside of us. From this conscious place we will connect with others and learn how to communicate your desires and boundaries. We will discover the magic of authenticity and rawness.
Also we will work with circulating s’xual energy through tantric practices, that will let you feel there is really no actual ‘s’x’ needed to awaken this beautiful and healing energy.
Practices include
★ Tantric self awareness meditations
★ Kundalini breath&dance
★ Tantric Touch
★ Authentic Embodied sharing
★ Chakra Dance

Dive in the Unknown

WEEKEND 3 (SAT 16&SUN 17TH NOV) 11-17h
During this weekend the focus is on MAGIC. Do you believe in magic and did you know you are a powerfull sorceres?
This weekend is all about ritual, multidimensional awareness and depth.
Learn to feel behind stories and awaken beyond the layers of matter.
In this weekend we will remember the power of intention and ritual. What is it that is your souls calling? Can you connect to your soul?
★ Rituals with the nature elements
★ Drumming rituals
★ Inner journeys throught different realms
★ Blood Magic
★ Soul Retrieval rituals
★ Multidimensional Travels

E400,- three weekends
E150,- one weekend
non refundable deposit three weekends = 150,-
non refundable deposit one weekend = 50,-
(the rest you pay cash on the event)
Lunch is not included.
All three weekend
Doors open 1030
Start 11h
End 17h
Amsterdam East near Central Station
It is obligated to contact me through info@elfriedevandersanden.com in case of any psychiatric background or other (medical) background that might be having effect on the weekend.
With any questions, dont hesitate to contact me on info@elfriedevandersanden.com to make a free (video) call.